Rotalde, revolutionary and publicist: The shade of Riego



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On January 5th and 24th, 1820, Nicolás Santiago Rotalde tried to proclaim the 1812 Constitution in Cadiz, with the intention of collaborating with Rafael del Riego’s pronouncement. Both failed, so after the second, he had to flee the city. From that moment on, Rotalde, who did not give up the fight for freedom, became a controversial publicist, making his ideas known through newspapers and pamphlets, in which he justified his actions, while blaming other wellknown people for the failure of the fight for freedom. Among others that we quote, he published in London The shade of Riego, a practically unknown text, which is the object of this work.



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How to Cite

Ramos Santana, A. (2020). Rotalde, revolutionary and publicist: The shade of Riego. Cuadernos De Ilustración Y Romanticismo, (26), 611–625.


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