The governance system of a particular Conservation Unit must be adapted to the specifics of its historical and social context in order to be able to generate lasting results in terms of conservation. In order to contribute to the improvement of the governance experiences in Conservation Units present in the Coastal Zone, different methods of analysis were used that together allowed to understand the main characteristics that make up the governance of these areas. The Environmental Protection Area (EPA) of Lagoa Verde, located in the Coastal Zone of Rio Grande Sul, Brazil was used as a case study. Due to the proximity of urban areas, several uses are opposed to their creation objectives, mainly due to the lack of information of the community, deficiencies in the physical, human and financial structure of the EPA and inertia of the Public Power. In this scenario, the need for solidification of existing governance processes is evident, based on planning, capacity building, information, education, transparency and community involvement in decision making. In this way, this research intends to contribute to the development of good governance in the Lagoa Verde EPA, from a systemic perspective on the historical, cultural, economic, political and environmental aspects that permeate it. To do so, we used data from bibliographical and documentary researches, field trips, semi-structured interviews and face-toface observation in the Management Council.
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