Strategic areas for shorebird conservation in coastal Brazil



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  • Danielle Paludo (BR) Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade - ICMBio, autor do artigo
  • Ana Maria Teixeira Marcelino (BR)
  • Wallace Rodrigues Telino Júnior (BR) Universidade Federal do Agreste de Pernambuco
  • Luis Fernando Carvalho Perello (BR) Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Maria Virginia Petry (BR) Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Jason Alan Mobley (BR) Associação de Pesquisa e Preservação de Ecossistemas Aquáticos
  • Murilo Sérgio Arantes (BR) Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade


The diversity of shorebirds is largely represented by species associated with wetlands and other aquatic habitats, many of which are also migratory and directly dependent on the Coastal Zone. Shorebirds are often concentrated in coastal environments in Brazil, roosting and foraging during the migration cycle, or for the purpose of reproduction, as is the case for certain resident species. Socio-economic development activities in coastal areas present multiple threats to shorebirds, resulting in habitat degradation and contributing to the sharp population declines observed in many species. Different international and national planning efforts have sought to include specific actions for shorebird conservation. The National Action Plan (PAN - Plano de Ação Nacional) for conservation of Migratory Shorebirds in Brazil identified 43 strategic areas for implementing priority actions by the year 2024, marking the final period of the plan's second iteration. The current work proposes that these strategic areas for shorebird conservation be specially considered in Brazil's National Coastal Management Plan and the relevant Integrated Management Plans. We present a history of the PAN and the supporting criteria used in identifying strategic areas for shorebird conservation in Brazil. Generalized descriptions of the principal conservation areas, contextualizing them according to location and main threats, are also presented. We anticipate that this synthesis will facilitate the integration of different environmental planning instruments and public policy measures, bringing greater focus to shorebird conservation in the coastal zone by highlighting the confluence and pertinence among these plans. Finally, we recommend a set of initiatives that would result in gains not only for shorebirds, but also be of benefit to society, both relying on the ecosystem services of a well-managed network of environmentally protected areas.



Supporting Agencies  

Aos membros do Grupo de Assessoramento Técnico (GAT) do PAN das aves limícolas, servidores do ICMBio e colaboradores que contribuíram nas reuniões, oficinas, através das consultas e participando dos trabalhos de campo, processamento das informações e mapeamento. Parte das oficinas e do trabalho do PAN teve apoio do Projeto Áreas Marinhas e Costeiras Protegidas (GEF Mar - ICMBio/FUNBIO) e do projeto Monitoramento e Conservação de Aves Limícolas (USFWS/SAVE Brasil). Os censos e expedições de campo promovidos pelo PAN realizados obtiveram apoio do Programa Áreas Protegidas da Amazônia (ARPA) e durante os anos de 2017 a 2020, e foram desenvolvidos sob autorização SISBIO 42418. O Programa Aves Migratórias/Aquasis conta com o apoio do Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC/Canadà), United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS/ Estados Unidos) e do Programa Socioambiental (Petrobras/Brasil) para seu trabalho com conservação de aves limícolas. Agradecimentos especiais a Gabriela Ramires pelos comentários construtivos e Onofre Monteiro os nomes, Pedro Lima, Odnei Dutra antes de “pelas contribuições fotográficas”.

How to Cite

Paludo, D., Teixeira Marcelino, A. M., Rodrigues Telino Júnior, W., Carvalho Perello, L. F., Petry, M. V., Mobley, J. A., & Arantes, M. S. (2023). Strategic areas for shorebird conservation in coastal Brazil. Costas, 4(2), 21–52. v4.i2.0204


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