Assessment of the Vulnerability of the Coastal Dunes on the Colima, Mexico Coast



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  • Enrique Quiroz Villanueva (MX) Universidad de Colima
  • Omar Cervantes (MX) a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:21:"Universidad de Colima";}
  • Aramis Olivos Ortiz (MX) Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Oceanológicas
  • Teresa Martínez Díaz (MX) Universidad de Colima


Coastal dunes are a natural space resulting from the interaction between the ocean and the continent. Together with the beach, they function as a dissipator of wave, tidal and wind energy and protect the adjacent territory from hydro-meteorological phenomena. Coastal adaptation strategies must respond to the state of the elements of the Dune - Beach system, thus, through the application of 14 biophysical indicators grouped in a Dune Vulnerability Index (DVI), a spatio-temporal analysis of vegetation cover with Google EarthTm 2016, 2017 and 2019 images, geo-referenced ortho mosaics with an eBee drone and the review of planning instruments of five sites on the Pacific coast in Colima, Mexico; this preventive and risk reduction tool for climate variability and sea level rise was developed. The results reveal that vulnerability in the dunes of El Coco, Playa de Oro, Peña Blanca and El Edén is low and medium for Pascuales due to the effects of urban growth from construction, tourism, cattle ranching and recreational activities. Changes in vegetation cover show a reduction in vegetation cover between 2016, 2017 and 2019 between 30.7% and 33.68% for Playa El Coco and Playa de Oro; and an increase of 25.73% in Peña Blanca, 19.97% in El Edén and 10.55% in Pascuales. The implemented index demonstrated its potential as an effective input for evaluation, coastal management responses and conservation of coastal dunes.


Supporting Agencies  

Seleccionado:The authors thank the Faculty of Marine Sciences and the University of Colima for the materials and the laboratory, in particular the Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Oceanológicas CEUNIVO.

How to Cite

Quiroz Villanueva, E., Cervantes, O., Olivos Ortiz, A., & Martínez Díaz, T. (2023). Assessment of the Vulnerability of the Coastal Dunes on the Colima, Mexico Coast. Costas, 4(2), 53–76.


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