Time and International Law

Homenaje al Profesor Liñán Nogueras


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Tribute to Professor Liñán Nogueras
Published: 28-11-2024



This text, conceived and written as a tribute to Professor and mentor Diego Javier Liñán, is a reflection on university life and the passage of time in international law: revisiting its past, contemplating its uncertain and unsettling future, and grappling with its ever-changing, elusive present. New times bring new fears and hopes, new realities and falsehoods, new and fleeting theories. However, any hope for freedom, peace, and prosperity must inevitably involve the development and adherence to a more advanced international law.



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How to Cite

Roldán, J. (2024). Time and International Law: Homenaje al Profesor Liñán Nogueras. PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), (13). Retrieved from https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/paetsei/article/view/11436

Author Biography

Javier Roldán, Universidad de Granada

Universidad de Granada (España).


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