Training in cultural management: mutual enrichments
The objective of this study is to make a general characterization of the cultural ecosystem of training, disciplinary training and professionalization of cultural management, from a historical perspective, with particular attention to the creation and operation of the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Cultural Development (CLACDEC ), founded in 1975 within the framework of the First Inter-American Course for Cultural Administrators, as the first training experience for agents and professionals in the cultural-creative sector that took place in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) with the financial cooperation of the Organization. of American States (OAS) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The information contained in this research, which involves a first descriptive phase, has been organized by carrying out a historical mapping of factors assigned to the training and professionalization of cultural management that dispense with some premises of explanatory heterogeneity and the significant effects of CLACDEC as a pioneering center and network for discussion, meeting and training of cultural agents in LAC.
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