About the chondrichthyans in the prehispanic Ecuador: historic-archaeological remarks and research perspectives



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The first inhabitants of Ecuador developed primary activities such as hunting and collecting fruits to guarantee their subsistence. The evolution through the historical periods was evidenced by the emergence of agriculture, navigation and fishing, being the fishery activity the one with the greatest impact, especially in coastal areas. There are studies focused on vertebrate species in relation to fishing activities, however, the scarce information about chondrichthyans, specifically sharks, justifies the need to carry out the present study aims to trace this species in a diachronic way and, specifically, in Prehispanic Age. The available information accounts for records of this fish resource in two Phases of the History of Ecuador: Middle Formative and Regional Development, which shows the resource exploitation in pre-Hispanic Ecuador and leaves pending the determination of the intensity of its use.



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How to Cite

Menéndez Delgado, E., Bernal Casasola, D., Rodríguez Ríos , E., & Cerbán Jiménez, M. del M. (2020). About the chondrichthyans in the prehispanic Ecuador: historic-archaeological remarks and research perspectives. Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea De Prehistoria Y Arqueología Social, 21(21), 57–78. https://doi.org/10.25267/rev_atl-mediterr_prehist_arqueol_soc.2019.v21.04