Metaverse and NFTs of artistic or copyrighted works



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Published: 21-12-2023



From the technological novelty brought by artificial intelligence, its effects are felt in multiple areas of reality, and among them the field of Intellectual Property or Copyright. This work gives a brief account of the incidence of this technology in the authorship of artistic or copyrighted works that appear created by artificial intelligence. The work then deals more extensively with the Metaverse, as an evolution of Cyberspace, and its possible uses as a new means of communication, distribution and support for artistic and copyrighted works. Next, it deals with the new formats for digitizing works such as tokens, encrypted digital files that can contain, in addition to other valuable data, digitized and encrypted works of art. These new digital goods have also behaved as investment assets, with great success in the art market, where they reach very high prices.



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How to Cite

Lacruz Mantecón, M. L. (2023). Metaverse and NFTs of artistic or copyrighted works. Journal of Legal Studies and Criminology, (8), 15–44.


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