Consent to sexual relations. An analysis of its meaning and the variables involved



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Published: 21-12-2023



The study of sexual consent is very present in research on sexual crimes, because it is the central aspect to recognise whether a relationship has been accepted or, on the contrary, is considered a sexual assault. The model of affirmative consent enacted by Organic Law 10/2022 of 6 September on the comprehensive guarantee of sexual freedom describes the obligation to provide a clear will in order to consider a sexual relationship as consensual. However, consent has no clear definition, and is a complex issue with many nuances, edges and variables that the scientific literature has tried to analyse. How people perceive each other's cues during this process is an important aspect of consent. Findings have shown that sexual consent can be expressed through verbal or non-verbal communication, directly or indirectly. In some contexts, moreover, it has been considered that a passive attitude can also express consent. Research has shown that there is a discrepancy between the elements required in legal provisions and the way in which people engage in sexual relationships. This article organises an overview of research on how people engage in "sexual consent" with the aim of serving as a reference for the design of outreach strategies and future research.



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de la Torre Laso, J. (2023). Consent to sexual relations. An analysis of its meaning and the variables involved. Journal of Legal Studies and Criminology, (8), 277–292.


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