The syntax of the utterance: the case of como as discourse operator. Some contributions for teaching




Camera Obscura: area investigations
Published: 17-12-2023


  • Laura Daniela Ferrari (AR) Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento


This work is part of a proposal that seeks, based on the analysis of the functioning of the particle como, to study the relations between structures that go beyond the sentence boundary. In the field of Spanish, the analyses of Garrido (2013, 2014), Rodríguez Ramalle (2014, 2015), Garrido and Rodríguez Ramalle (2015) take up the notion of constituent and integrate it in the analysis of structures that go beyond the sentential level. Fuentes Rodríguez (2017) and Fuentes Rodríguez and Gutiérrez Ordoñez (2019) propose the term macrosyntax and frame it within pragmatic linguistics. The aim of the article is to analyze the polyfunctional values of the discourse operator como and its variants como que and como si in an oral corpus of Argentine Spanish. Data from CORPES XXI have also been used. In a second instance, some suggestions are made about the teaching of grammar that integrates pragmatic-discursive aspects in a syntax of utterances. It is considered that, in the field of grammar teaching, it is necessary to start from semantic aspects, to account for the discursive and enunciative context of utterances and to encourage metalinguistic reflection, in order to identify the logical-semantic relations underlying coordination and subordination relations.



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Supporting Agencies  

This work has been funded by PICT 1-157-2790, based at the Instituto de Filología y Literaturas Hispánicas "Dr. Amado Alonso", Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina.

How to Cite

Ferrari, L. D. (2023). The syntax of the utterance: the case of como as discourse operator. Some contributions for teaching. Tavira. Electronic Journal of Teacher Training in Linguistic and Literary Communication., (28), 1107.


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