Editorial Team


José Ramón Barros Caneda, University of Cádiz, Spain


María del Mar Barrientos Márquez. University of Cádiz, Spain

Editorial Board

José Marchena Domínguez. Member and Contemporary History Spokesperson. Department of Modern, Contemporary History of the Americas and Art History. University of Cadiz, Spain.

Pablo Pomar Rodil. Member and Art History Spokesperson. Department of Modern, Contemporary History of the Americas and Art History. University of Cadiz, Spain.

María del Mar Barrientos Márquez. Secretary. Member and History of the Americas Spokesperson. Department of Modern, Contemporary History of the Americas and Art History. University of Cadiz, Spain.

Guadalupe Carrasco González. Member and Modern History Spokesperson. Department of Modern, Contemporary History of the Americas and Art History. University of Cadiz, Spain.

 Advisory Committee

Juan Antonio Arenillas Torrejón, Project Manager, Documentation Centre of the Andalusian Centre of Historical Heritage (IAHP). Spain.

Antonio Barragán Moriana, Professor of Contemporary History. University of Cordoba, Spain.

Gloria Estela Bonilla Vélez. University of Cartagena, Colombia.

Mercedes Espiau Eizaguirre. Department of Sculpture and Plastic Arts History. University of Seville, Spain.

Francisco García González.  Department of History (Modern History). University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.

Francisco J. González, Former Technical Director of the Library and Archives of the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Navy of San Fernando. Spain.

Patricio Hidalgo Nuchera, Department of Modern History (History of the Americas), Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain.

Luis F. Martínez Montiel. Department of Sculpture and History of the Plastic Arts. University of Seville, Spain.

Matilde Miquel Juan. Department of Art History. Madrid Complutense University, Spain.

Alfredo J. Morales Martínez. Department of Art History. University of Seville, Spain.

Manuel Morales Muñoz. Department of Modern and Contemporary History. University of Malaga, Spain.

Lourdes Ortiz Boza. Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Mexico.

María Dolores Teijeira Pablos. Department of Artistic and Documentary Heritage. University of Leon, Spain.

Mario Trujillo Bolio. Centre for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS). Mexico.

 Antonio Urquízar Herrera. Department of History of Art. UNED, Madrid, Spain