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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


1.- Rules for the submission of manuscripts:

1.1.- Authors undertake to submit original, unpublished articles that are not under consideration by any other publication.

1.2.- Proposals must be sent only via the OJS platform (, and consist of three different files:

1.2.1.- The original text, preceded by a page specifying the author's name and surname, university or research centre of affiliation, postal address and e-mail address.

1.2.2.- A blind copy, i.e. without data of any nature that would lead to identification of the author, including file metadata and self-citations in the text.

1.2.3.- A brief C.V., no longer than 150 words, describing the author's academic background, professional status and research work.

1.3- The entire editorial process will be carried out and followed through the journal's platform. The journal's email address will be used only if necessary:

1.4.- This journal is funded by the Department of Modern, Contemporary, American and Art History. In this regard, authors are encouraged to declare, where appropriate, the sources of funding sponsoring their research.

1.5.- In the case of co-authorship, the contribution of authorship must be clearly specified.

 2.- Editing standards for authors

2.1.- Articles should be submitted in editable, compatible text formats, preferably Word or similar.

2.2.- The following should be included: the title (in Spanish and English) in capital letters; the author's first name and surname, affiliation and ORCiD code; and a summary of the article in Spanish and English, of a maximum of 100 words, specifying five keywords in both languages, separated by commas.

2.3.- 1.5 spacing shall be used and the paper should have a maximum length of approximately 9,000 words, around 20 pages (including notes and graphic materials).  Book reviews will have a maximum length of up to 1,500 words, and the title, authorship, place of publication, publisher, date of publication and number of pages, as well as the first name and surname, affiliation and ORCiD code of the reviewer at the end of the text will be included.

2.4.- Garamond 12 font should be used and the text margins should be justified. Quotations should be in italics and if they are longer than four lines, they should appear in a separate paragraph, without inverted commas, indented and with a space between them and the previous and subsequent paragraph. Words in a different language should be written in italics. Paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, where appropriate, should be in small caps following the numbering: 1/ 1.1/ 1.2.1./ and aligned to the left margin of the text.

2.5.- Bibliographical and documentary citations should be placed in footnotes and be numbered (without brackets) before the full stop. Notes should be in Garamond 10, single-spaced and justified.

2.6.- If a work and page is to be cited several times consecutively, Idem in italics (Idem) should be used. If it is a different page, Ibidem in italics and page number (Ibidem, p. 25) should be used, and if it is not consecutive, the abbreviated form op.cit. will be used, preceded by the author's surname (BONET CORREA. op. cit., p. 22). If the same author has several texts, op.cit. will be used after the surname, first name and beginning of the title of the work (BONET CORREA, Antonio, Figuras..., op,cit, p. 25).

2.7.- The number of images/graphs/tables to be included will be at the discretion of the Editorial Board, however, it is estimated that between five and seven would be an acceptable number. All of the above should be of adequate quality, inserted conveniently in the text, clearly numbered and identified (Table 1, Figure 1, Image 1, with a legend if appropriate).

2.8.- Each article will include a final reference list which, as stated in the Author Guidelines, should reflect in sections the different sources used: monographs, articles, documentary sources, newspaper sources, etc. 

3.- Editorial and Publishing Policy

The manuscripts submitted will be subject to the following process for publication:

3.1.- Prior acceptance by the journal's Editorial Board, who will assess suitability relating to editorial policy, and compliance with the author guidelines detailed in the corresponding section of the journal's website. A period of one month is expected to elapse before communication of prior acceptance.

3.2.- External evaluation is performed by means of a double-blind assessment. Acceptance of the article for publication will be communicated within the maximum period of six months.

3.3.- The author will be sent a proofreading galley prior to publication.

3.4.- Publication of the annual issue of the journal will take place in December of the current year.

4.- Citations

The bibliographical and documentary citation system follows ISO 690-2013 standard, based on the following examples:

4.-1.- Printed Books

SURNAME, author's full name, (up to three authors, separating the first two with a comma and the last one with "and". For more than three authors, use et al.). Title of the work. Place of printing: Publisher, year, p./pp.

RAMÍREZ, Juan Antonio. Arte prehistórico y primitivo. Madrid: Anaya, 1989, p. 25.

4.2.- E-Books

SURNAME, author's full name (up to three authors, separate by commas and the last one with "and". For more than three authors, use et al.). Title of the work [online]. Place of printing: Publisher, year [accessed: date]. Available at URL (DOI)

CORDÓN GARCÍA, José Antonio, ALONSO ARÉVALO, José Luis y GÓMEZ DÍAZ, Raquel. El ecosistema del libro electrónico universitario [online]. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2004 [accessed: 20 January 2021]. Available at

 4.3.- Articles in serial publications

SURNAME, author's full name (up to three authors, separate by commas and the last one with "and". For more than three authors, use et al.). Title of the article. Title of the journal. Year, no. (vol.), reference page(s) p./pp. ISSN.

PASCUAL BAREA, Joaquín. El capítulo sobre minerva del libro de Rodrigo Caro "veterum hispaniae deorum manes sive reliquiae". Minerva. 2016, 3 (II), pp. 245-267. ISSN 0213-9634.

4.4.- Electronic Serials Articles

SURNAME, author's full name (up to three authors, separate by commas and last one with "and". For more than three authors, use et al.). Title of the article. Title of the journal [online]. Year, no. (vol.), pages, [accessed: date]. Available at URL or DOI.

GARCÍA LOAEZA, Pablo. Comedia de un náufrago: Lectura anacrónica del capítulo X del libro L de la historia general y natural de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (University, Ala.) [online]. 2013, 47,( 3), pp. 487-508 [accessed: 20 January 2021]. ISSN 0034-818X, 2164-9308. Available at or DOI

4.5.- Book chapters or collective works:

SURNAME, author's full name. Title of the chapter. In SURNAME, name of the author of the book (coord. ed). Title of the work. Place of printing: Publisher, year, pages of the chapter.

CASTILLO SOLÓRZANO, Antonio. De la salida de Madrid a Córdoba, el robo que la hicieron unos bandoleros en sierra morena y cómo se libró de sus manos, con otras cosas. In RODRÍGUEZ MANSILLA, Fernando ed. Picaresca femenina. Madrid: Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2014, pp. 265-270.

4.6.- Electronic book chapters or collective works:

SURNAME, author's full name. Title of the chapter. In SURNAME, name of the author of the book. In initial Name and Surname(s) of the author(s) (coord. ed). Title of the work. [online]. Place of printing: Publisher, year, pages of the chapter. [accessed: date]. Available at URL or DOI

BARROS CANEDA, José Ramón. Los caminos del agua en el paisaje de la Bahía de Cádiz. In MORALES SÁNCHEZ, María Isabel (ed.). Lecturas del agua. Madrid: Los libros de la Catarata, 2016, pp. 52-72 [accessed: 21/01/2021]. Available at

4.7.- Website

Name. Year [accessed: date] Available at URL

Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España, 2016 [accessed: 21 January 2021]. Available at:

4.8.- Web/blog article

SURNAME, author's full name. Title of the article. In Title of the website or blog [online], year [accessed: date]. Available at URL

BAZÓN MALAGUER, Miguel Pedro. La aplicabilidad de la Ley de Contratos del sector público. In Juzgado Privativo de Aguas de Orihuela (JPAO) [online]. 2012 [accessed: 21 January 2021]. Available at:

4.9.- Printed press article

SURNAME and first name. Title of the article. Title of the newspaper. Date of publication. Page/s.

RUIZ, Miguel Ángel. Envidia. Viva Cádiz. 21 January 2021. p.2.

4.10.- Electronic press article

SURNAME and first name. Title of the article. Title of the newspaper [online]. Date [accessed: date]. Available at URL

GARCÍA, Tamara. El 3x4 suma y sigue. Diario de Cádiz [online]. 17 Janaury 2021 [accessed: 21 January 2021]. Available at:


Country. Title of the Law. Official publication, year, issue, p/pp.

Spain. Ley Orgánica 4/2000, 11 January, regarding the rights and liberties of foreign nationals in Spain and their social integration. Boletín oficial del Estado, 2000, 32, pp. 1-15.

4.12.- Graphic Sources

SURNAME and first name. Title. [Type of material]. Place of publication: Publisher. Year, Page or registration number if applicable [consulted: date]. Available at URL

GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco de. El sueño de la razón produce monstruos. [print]. Museo del Prado, 1797, G002131 [accessed: 21/12/2021]. Available at .

4.13.- Cartographic materials

TITLE. [scale]. Place, year if applicable [accessed: date]. Available at URL

COROGRAFÍA DE CÁDIZ [undetermined scale], Madrid, 1702 [accessed: 21/12/2021]. Available at

4.14.- Archival documentation (Documentary sources)

FILE NAME (complete first citation, thereafter, use acronym). Section, file, f-fv.

ARCHIVO HISTÓRICO PROVINCIAL DE CÁDIZ (AHPC). Protocolos de Cádiz, leg. 1020, fol. 23-23v.

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