The First Sacramental Chapel in Andalusia of the 16th Century? The Parish of Medina Sidonia (Cadiz) and the Progression of a Pioneer Plan
As conciliar debates were happening in Trento, Andalusia experienced a fever of Eucharistic enthusiasm. Expressive artistic resources were used in order to achieve the graphic materialization of the abstract concepts derived from this fervor, which also served as a means of propaganda spreading. This favored the application of medieval scholastic theology combined with certain customs of popular roots. The middle of the sixteenth century saw the construction of a chapel which is allegedly the first sacramental chapel in the Andalusian territory. It was built within the Parish of Santa María La Coronada in Medina Sidonia (Cádiz). A series of historic circumstances and personal interest strongly affected the origins of this ground-breaking architectural work which unwillingly lead the way for the construction of subsequent similar spaces.
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