Enfoque culturocéntrico y dimensión socioeconómica de la creatividad
Today a mode of production emerges and asserts itself in which life and work are increasingly closely associated. To study this new situation, a radical change is needed in the way of observing and questioning cultural processes: the transition from an economic-centric approach, polarized on production and the economic dimension, to a cultural-centric approach focused on distribution, consumption and use. It is a question of considering, namely, the cultural industries as a system where both are integrated together: those who work directly in creative activities such as artists, musicians, cartoonists, decorators, photographers, writers, etc.; and others whose profession is in principle not immediately close to the artistic and intellectual sphere. It is, therefore, a question of overturning the traditional analysis of the relationship between the arts and industry for which the realization of products is linked to services such as tourism, advertising and design, to annex them to its non-cultural sphere; to understand how, on the contrary, it is industrial activities that are becoming practically subordinate to them almost to the point of turning into a subset of the creative industries and its fabric of micro-enterprises. The set of practices selected and highlighted on the basis of the cultural-centric perspective then corresponds to initiatives that refer to a conception of culture that involves everything that manages to promote an existence that wants to be both singular and plural. Able to make life a political object: to focus attention on oneself, on what one is capable of doing, but in such a way that the question of the art of living is at the same time put to the test of oneself and relationship with the other, with others.
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