The defeat of SYRIZA and the European spatial fix.

An approach from Marxist geography.

Imagen minimalista y simbólica de Marx (diseño de Javier Montero)


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This paper works on to build an answer from scientific parameters to the political debate appeared in the last decade since the government experience of SYRIZA in Greece. We will work with the Marxist geography knowledge to analyse the structural boundaries of political change and socio-economic transformation possibilities in Greece on 2015. The strain created between the European Union and the Alexis Tsipras’ government reinforced the question about that “Grexit” was possible or beneficial for Greece as long as for Europe. To answer that question, we will use the issues elaborated by David Harvey to define the means of the hypothetical transformations, as long as we verify the external limits with the internal contradictions of the heterogeneous party SYRIZA.



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Peña González, V. (2023). The defeat of SYRIZA and the European spatial fix.: An approach from Marxist geography. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(11). Retrieved from


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