Occupational status of graduates in Education of the 2005-2013 promotions at the University Of Zielona Gora Poland
The article presents the results of a research on the professional paths of graduates of Education of the University of Zielona Gora, carried out in two periods, with the same method and the same instrument.
We looked for answers to these questions: What is your current professional situation? Which were your expectations in your first work? Which factors helped or hindered that labor start? The research also included a retrospective estimate of the preparation for the profession, election of the faculty, and recommendation of the university, faculty and course to others.
The research results do not confirm the common opinion about the particularly unfavorable situation of graduates in education in the labor market, in relation to graduates of other faculties, although the comparison of the professional situation of the members of the first and second promotion is more favorable to the first group. The satisfaction of the majority of the graduates with the aspects of their training and the orientations given from the University is a fact.
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