About the Journal

Approach and scope

The journal is preferentially orientated to Arabic language and Arab-related issues in al-Andalus and the Maghreb, not only in the past but also in the present. Likewise, it opens up to issues from other fields of Arabity and the widely North Africanists, despite their tangential relationship with the Arabic language, without neglecting issues of near-Eastern Arabism.

Sections of the journal

The journal Al-Andalus Magreb publishes the works it receives in different sections, depending on their typology.

Regardless of the section in which they are published, all accepted papers must fully comply with the editorial policy of Al-Andalus Magreb.

All papers published in the journal are indexed.

  • Articles. This section publishes original and unpublished research papers and is open to any researcher. Papers published in this section go through the peer review process. The minimum length of a paper in this section should be 8,000 words, and the maximum length should be 10,000 words.
  • Monographic. This non-periodical section includes, like the previous one, original and unpublished research papers, but which are published following a proposal from a coordinator to the editorial team, and are focused on a specific thematic. It is up to the editorial team to approve the proposal. The coordinator will be in charge of presenting the monograph and of selecting and proposing the works that comprise it, after which the articles will enter the editorial evaluation and peer review processes. In any case, the editorial team will be responsible for deciding whether or not to publish an article in this section depending on the results of the evaluation process. As these are research papers, as in the previous case, the minimum length of a paper in this section should be 8,000 words, and the maximum length should be 10,000 words.
  • Notes and comments. This section publishes original and unpublished works which, for various reasons, cannot be considered strictly research articles, but which have characteristics of quality and interest that make their publication highly recommendable. The section is open to the direct reception of papers, and in order to be published they must go through the editorial evaluation process, but not peer review. Texts accepted for publication must be between 1,000 and 2,500 words in length.
  • Reviews. The review section is open for submissions, and papers must go through the editorial evaluation process but not the peer review process. Papers accepted for publication must be between 1,000 and 2,500 words in length.
  • Chronicles. In this section, we publish current news, references to activities, congresses and scientific meetings related to the subject matter of the journal and obituaries of relevant people in the scientific field of the journal. Publications are subject to editorial review but not to the peer review process. Each chronicle will have a maximum length of 2,500 words.

 Journal history

The founder and first director of Al-Andalus Magreb was Professor Braulio Justel Calabozo, leading a team made up of Fernando Nicolás Velázquez Basanta as secretary, the rest of the members of the Field of Arabic Studies, and the Research Group that in those days was barely formed by the former and professors Mercedes Aragón Huerta and Joaquín Bustamante Costa.

The sudden and premature death of Braulio Justel entailed the journal being directed by Fernando N. Velázquez Basante from Issue 2, (1994), with the new incorporations of Ángel Custodio López y López as secretary, the aforementioned Mercedes Aragón Huerta and Joaquín Bustamante Costa as members of the Editorial Board, plus newcomers Pilar Lirola Delgado and Antonio Javier Martín Castellanos.

As of issue 3, 1995, under the same director and secretary, new members joined the Editorial Board: Jorge Aguadé Bofill, Ignacio Ferrando Frutos, Mohamed Meouak and Mohand Tilmatine. This team lasted until issue 7, 1999.

As of issue 8, 2000, Mohamed Meouak became director and Joaquín Bustamante Costa became secretary. In issue 10, from 2002-2003, under the same director, Mercedes Aragón Huerta was secretary and the Editorial Board registered the new additions of María Gámez Rovira, Francisco Moscoso García, Nadi Hamdi Nouaouri Izrelli, Francisco Manuel Rodríguez Sierra, Lucía Ruiz Román and Juan José Sánchez Sandoval.

In issue 10, 2004, Joaquín Bustamante Costa became director and Francisco Moscoso García became secretary, whilst the Editorial Board welcomed the new incorporation of Montserrat Benítez Fernández.
As of Issue 16, 2009, Ignacio Ferrando Frutos became director and Joaquín Bustamante Costa became secretary. The number of members of the Editorial Board was brought down to only four, two from the University of Cádiz and another two from other universities, being formed by Mercedes Aragón Huerta and Mohamed Meouak from the University of Cádiz, respectively in charge of supervising issues of Arabic literature and History of Islam, and by Ahmed Bourhalla from the University of Rabat and Francisco Moscoso García from the Autonomous University of Madrid, who took charge of supervising Arabic language subjects and their dialectology.
In Issue 22, 2015, Francisco Moscoso’s employment in the Editorial Board was terminated, and Ana María Cabo González from the University of Seville and Omar Salawdeh from the National University of Singapore joined.
And thus we get to Issue 25 from 2018, after which the journal has no longer being printed on paper. The first digital issue was published in 2019 (Issue 26), and in 2020 Issue 27 was published by the same team, now directed by Ana María Cabo González with the additions of Carmen Garratón Mateu from the University of Granada, Adil Moustaoui Srhir from the Complutense University of Madrid, Juan Manuel Ururubu Colsa from the University of Seville and Rocío Ramírez Cultrera, Student in the University of Cádiz.

In issue 29, 2022, Professor Mohamed Meouak left the Editorial Board and Maravillas Aguiar Aguilar, Professor at the University of La Laguna, joined it.


Publication frequency

It is an annual journal.


Editorial policy and management of originals

Originals must be sent electronically to AAM and must observe the journal's publication guidelines. Articles must be written in accordance with the template created to that effect, which can be accessed here. Published articles are subject to international copyright regulations.


On gender equality

An important aspect to consider is that the articles should be written in an inclusive and non-sexist language, as stated in the instructions for authors.

On the other hand, authors are recommended to report on possible influences of gender on the results and conclusions obtained in those cases in which their work includes the gender variable.


Peer review process

The journal publishes its works in Spanish, French, English, Arabic, Italian, Catalan and Portuguese.

The journal will acknowledge receipt of the originals submitted by the authors.

The Editorial Board will previously examine the proposals and may reject an article, without the need to proceed to its assessment, if it does not stick to the guidelines, both in format and content, or does not fit the thematic profile of the publication.

After this preliminary analysis, all the articles will be subjected to an external review process according to the “peer” and “double blind” system in which two reviewers will participate, using a third party if necessary. The assessors will be renowned researchers who are specialists in the field. The anonymity of both the author and the reviewers will be maintained; however, the lists of external reviewers who have collaborated with the journal in previous years will be published periodically, subject to personal authorization.

The referees will send the corresponding review form (available online at https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/aam/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/121)  to the journal, properly filled in, within the established deadline.

Instructions for referees can be found at https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/aam/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/192

Once the assessment process has been completed, the authors will be notified of the definitive acceptance or rejection of the article.
Dates of receipt and approval will be indicated in each article.
The Editorial Board will be the one to make the decision, taking into account external reports, on the publication or rejection of each article.


Open access policy

This journal provides free and open access, and does not require prior subscription.

Offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Atrtribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International LicenseLicencia de Creative Commons


Anti-plagiarism policy

All received submissions are analyzed using the TURNITIN software in order to detect possible plagiarism or self-plagiarism.


Interoperability protocol

AAM uses the OAI-PMH interoperability protocol and its access address is https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/aam/oai



AAM does not include advertising, commercial or governmental, from any country. The opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors of the articles.



The authors do not receive any remuneration for the publication of their articles. The University of Cádiz meets the cost costs of the production of al-Andalus Magreb, along with incidental contributions from external sponsors, which cannot imply any type of bias or imposition on its orientation. Publication is free of charge for authors.


Intellectual property and publication rights

The intellectual property of the originals belongs to the authors, and the rights of edition and publication, to the UCA Editorial of the University of Cádiz.

The articles that appear in the journal may be freely used for educational and scientific purposes, as long as their authorship and origin are correctly cited. Use or reproduction of images is not allowed without express permission of the authors or their heirs.


Journal reports

Al-Andalus Magreb publishes an annual Editorial Management Report and associated statistics, including the number of articles received during the year, the number of articles published, the number of reviews requested, the number of reviews received and the average time between submission and publication of articles.

It also publishes the list of referees who have collaborated with the journal.

Editorial management report 2022

List of referees 2021/2022