Falanǧah, an arabo-islamic aromatic drug of not identified nature: try of determination



Published: 15-12-2015



“Falanǧah, an arabo-islamic aromatic drug of not identified nature: try of determination”. By basing us on the falanǧah’s descriptions find in arabo-islamic medical writings of various periods and by comparing them with the floristic, ethnobotanic and linguistic data that we managed to collect following an important bibliographical compilation concerning a territory which extends from the Middle East to China, we tried to clarify the enigmatic nature of this simple aromatic for which all the identities which were proposed up to there were considered as not satisfactory.

This comparative study, realized in closer of the ancient texts and the acquired knowledge today on plants, their compositions, their vernacular names and their uses, allowed us to express propositions of elucidation of the identity of the falanǧah, in agreement with the various interpretations given by the ancient authors, an identity which declines differently according to the space and the period considered. This differentiation of the falanǧah in several products was made according to a logic which we had already indicated in a previous article concerning the zarnab and that we try to make understandable in the present study..



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BELLAKHDAR, J. . (2015). Falanǧah, an arabo-islamic aromatic drug of not identified nature: try of determination. Al-Andalus Magreb, (22), 29–64. Retrieved from https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/aam/article/view/7206


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