Proverbs in the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad: Compilation and Proposed Translation



Published: 15-12-2015



 The lack of interest in the field of Arabic proverbs that have originated from the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad has led us to conduct this study to shed some light on remarkable reality of Arab paremiology. It is an approach to the proverbs related to the oral prophetic tradition, the use of such proverbs is still present in everyday conversations. The study also offers a translation proposal of the compiled corpus for scholars and specialists, and helps to distinguish between those proverbs which actually originated from sayings of the Prophet and those often attributed to him erroneously.



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How to Cite

AL-DUWEIRI, . H. ., HAIDAR, L., & SHARAB, M. (2015). Proverbs in the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad: Compilation and Proposed Translation. Al-Andalus Magreb, (22), 65–79. Retrieved from


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