The theory of the human act in Ibadite and Ašˁarite thought



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Published: 15-12-2013



The theory of human action and thought in the Ibadi and Ašˁari: We analyse in this paper the evolution of the theological discussion about the theory of human action and its relationship to the divine will, concerning the issue of whether humans are responsible for their actions or not. There is a different treatment of this question in mutazilite, Ibadi and Ašˁari schools. We also explore the different criteria of the Ibadi versus the Ašˁari school concerning the Qurˀanic text and the traditions of the Prophet.



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AL-ISMAILI, A. . (2013). The theory of the human act in Ibadite and Ašˁarite thought. Al-Andalus Magreb, (20), 125–150. Retrieved from


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