al-ˁarabiyya al-maġribiyya, al-lūġat al-umm āw al-lūġat al-aṣliyya. taˁlīmha f al-madrasa li taḥsīn taṭawwur al-ˁaqliyyāt u mahārāt al-haḏra, al-qrāya w al-kitāba b el-ˁarabiyya el-fuṣḥa [Moroccan Arabic, mother tongue or native language. Teaching Morocca



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Published: 15-12-2013



“Moroccan Arabic, Mother Tongue or Native Language. Teaching Moroccan Arabic at School to improve Thinking, Speaking, Reading and Writing Skills in Standard Arabic”. We begin with the presentation of three models of coding and standardization of languages: the Castilian, the Maltese (Maltese Arabic) and the Greek. Following it, we discuss the linguistic situation in Morocco with the emphasis on the Arabic language. The Moroccan Arabic has’nt any value in the eyes of the local authorities and for it, we stress that Moroccan Arabic needs to be recognized as the language of instruction, following the recommendations of Educational Studies, aiming to improve the knowledge of Standard Arabic. Finally, we emphasize the creative value of any language, presenting some of the literary works in Moroccan Arabic and the efforts of a group of Moroccan enthusiasts, including teachers and intellectuals to codify and standardize Moroccan Arabic.



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How to Cite

MOSCOSO GARCÍA, . F. (2013). al-ˁarabiyya al-maġribiyya, al-lūġat al-umm āw al-lūġat al-aṣliyya. taˁlīmha f al-madrasa li taḥsīn taṭawwur al-ˁaqliyyāt u mahārāt al-haḏra, al-qrāya w al-kitāba b el-ˁarabiyya el-fuṣḥa [Moroccan Arabic, mother tongue or native language. Teaching Morocca. Al-Andalus Magreb, (20), 151–167. Retrieved from


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