Ǧamāliyyat al-muḫtārāt aš- šiˁriyyah al-andalusiyyah. Kitāb “at-Tašbîhât min ašˁâr ahl al-Andalus” li-Abī ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al- Kattānī [“The aesthetics of Andalusi Poetry Anthologies. The book At-tašbīhāt min ašˁār ahl al-andalus by Abū ˁA



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Published: 29-12-2012



“The aesthetics of Andalusi Poetry Anthologies. The book At-tašbīhāt min ašˁār ahl al- andalus by Abū ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al-Kattānī (d. 420 H.) as a model”. This paper deals with the study of aesthetics in Andalusi Poetry Anthologies by means of an analysis of the book entitled At-tašbīhāt min ašˁār ahl al-andalus by Abū ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Al-Ḥasan al- Kattānī, trying to emphasize the originality of this Andalusi author, who has not received much attention from researchers and scholars. The study plunges, on the one side, on the aesthetic perspective in the anthology and, on the other side, on the characteristics of the Andalusi creative discourse and the high artistic taste in the choice of poetic material by the author, which reflects the prevailing taste among Andalusi poets and critics at that time, and also explains the aesthetic and critical trends in al-Andalus in later periods.



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How to Cite

AL-GHESEINI, . Z. bin B. (2012). Ǧamāliyyat al-muḫtārāt aš- šiˁriyyah al-andalusiyyah. Kitāb “at-Tašbîhât min ašˁâr ahl al-Andalus” li-Abī ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al- Kattānī [“The aesthetics of Andalusi Poetry Anthologies. The book At-tašbīhāt min ašˁār ahl al-andalus by Abū ˁA. Al-Andalus Magreb, (19), 257–278. Retrieved from https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/aam/article/view/7248


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