Visibilisation of the Amazigh in Alberto Ruy Sánchez's Los jardines secretos de Mogador (The Secret Gardens of Mogador)




Published: 02-08-2022



The work aims to study the mode of representation of the Berber in Los jardines secretos de Mogador. As specific objectives, we first seek the determination of the historical-epistemological circumstances that marked the Amazig memory in a multiple superstructure of power and hegemony. Then we try to stand out the agency of various narrative resources of the work studied to make the amazig visible. Through an analytical-comparative approach we want to arrive at the verification of the hypothesis that in the peripheral literary model of Alberto Ruy Sánchez, particularly and in a general Latin American way, flashes of a heterarchical and horizontal vision of the Berber are outlined. The study tries to demonstrate that the literary exploration of what is common to the two peoples, the Latin American-Mexican and the Moroccan-Amazig, are the architects of an alternative gnosis. Elements such as oral memory, the hybrid recreation of components of the artistic, literary and artisan legacy of both cultures allow us to overcome the subalternizing essentialism of canonical orientalist representations. The obvious conclusion of the work is that literary discourse can be the best instrument for destabilizing the empire of the imaginary of domination.


amazig, orientalismo, paradigma, narrativa mexicana, visibilización, hibridez


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How to Cite

BALGHZAL, A. (2022). Visibilisation of the Amazigh in Alberto Ruy Sánchez’s Los jardines secretos de Mogador (The Secret Gardens of Mogador). Al-Andalus Magreb, 29, 106.


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