Analysis of the Social Vulnerability to the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemics on Brazilian Coastal Municipalities

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  • CIBELE OLIVEIRA LIMA (BR) Doutoranda em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC); coleta e análise de dados, concepção da metodologia, obtenção de resultados, aporte de material de estudo, redação do artigo
  • Tiago Borges Ribeiro Gandra (BR) Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS); concepção da metodologia e produção de dados
  • Carla Van der Haagen Custódio Bonetti (BR) Professora da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC); concepção da metodologia e aporte de material de estudo
  • Jarbas Bonetti (BR) Professor da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC); concepção da metodologia e revisão final da redação


The COVID-19 pandemics has intensified several social and economic difficulties, posing challenges for the public management in many countries. Aiming at mitigating its effects, it is essential to collect, analyze and communicate data obtained from reliable sources, at various spatial scales, and to integrate them in systems that can support decision-making by the government. In this context, this article aims to contribute to the organization of relevant information to the understanding of this health crisis from structuring a Social Vulnerability Index to COVID-19 (IVS-Cov), a data layer integrated to the Spatial Information Platform of COVID-19 (PIE-COVID). This platform is available with daily updates on the IFRS website ( and integrates data on COVID-19 cases and deaths with sociodemographic, economic and health variables in the municipal scale. Seven census variables were used for the composition of the IVS-Cov: (1) average income per household, (2) percentage of elderly people, (3) percentage of urban population, (4) residents per household, (5) number of intensive care units, (6) distance from the municipality without an available intensive car bed to the nearest hospital with an available bed, and (7) percentage of people dependent on the SUS; being those layers processed based on the methodology proposed by Gornitz (1991) for vulnerability analyses. The results found are robust and present a good diagnosis of the situation of the coastal populations most vulnerable to the effects of the crisis caused by the coronavirus. Spatially, an increase in vulnerability was observed in the northeastern and northern states of Brazil, in addition to a lower vulnerability in all state capitals. Despite this general trend, municipalities with high vulnerability occurred in all regions of the country. Considering that coastal municipalities have a strong economic dependence on activities that have suffered some stoppage during periods of the pandemic, such as tourism, it can be argued that there were impacts of considerable social repercussions, being our expectation that the results obtained can contribute to subsidies for local management.


Supporting Agencies  

Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)

How to Cite

OLIVEIRA LIMA, C., Borges Ribeiro Gandra, T., Van der Haagen Custódio Bonetti, C., & Bonetti, J. (2023). Analysis of the Social Vulnerability to the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemics on Brazilian Coastal Municipalities. Costas, 4(1), 71–98.


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