Teachers who leave their mark. the stylistic influence of the bailaora Charo Cruz on her students



Article abstract page views:  153  




Published: 01-06-2023



In flamenco dance it is common to find certain aesthetic characteristics common to several performers, so it is worth asking what is the origin of these shared stylistic forms. It is understood that the maestro plays a primordial role, influencing with his charisma those with whom he comes into contact. This is the main question dealt with in this research, approached through the figure of the Cadiz flamenco teacher Charo Cruz and three of her outstanding pupils. Through a series of interviews, aspects such as aesthetic identity in flamenco and its process of acquisition and development have been explored in depth, highlighting the automatism in the learning of other people's own ways. In addition, some considerations about what aesthetics in flamenco is and how it is taught are briefly presented, thus establishing a theoretical framework on which the research is based. 


estética, estilo, referente, sucesor, flamenco


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How to Cite

Oliva Benítez, N. (2023). Teachers who leave their mark. the stylistic influence of the bailaora Charo Cruz on her students. Gaditana-logía, 2(4), 80–93. https://doi.org/10.25267/Gadit.2023.v2.i4.10


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