Español Español
To speak about the Cadiz city is to refer to the "silver cup" located in the south of the shout. Knowing Cadiz is knowing customs and culture, it is falling in love with its people, with its grace. It is wanting to return or wanting to stay. This article exposes part of the proffesional development of a primary education teaches who, without being born in Cadiz lands, decides to settle in the three thousand year old city. We use the narrative methodology to know understan, throught the voice of a teacher, her own experience in Cadiz, that is, how and why she decides to carry out her work far from the city where she grew up, Bilbao. In the section destined to analyze the results, there are four epigraphs that refer to thematic nuclei of contents highlighted by the teacher´s story and her coneection with the city of Cadiz. An opportunity that offers the possibility of sharing real experiencies with the intention of transmitting life experiences.
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