Núm. 07 (2019): Número 7 (2019)
Número completo
Transboundary Water Resources in Central Asia and its Impact in the Emergency of Conflicts Affecting Regional Stability
The Land and Maritime Delimitation of the Court of The Hague in the Affairs of Costa Rica v. Nicaragua, in Light of Their Proposals (February 2, 2018)
Mutualisaton des Puissances et Sécurité en Afrique: pour une approche néopragmatiste du rôle du droit
Refugee Crisis and Migrations at the Gates of Europe: Deterritoriality, Extraterritoriality and Externalization of Border Controls
Immigration in Spain: Migratory Routes, Cooperation with Third Countries and Human Rights in Return Procedures
Géopolitique de l’intélligence Artificielle : Les enjeux de la rivalité sino-americaine
New Migrant Detention Strategies in Spain: Short-term Assistance Centres and Internment Centres for Foreign Nationals
L’ investissement direct étranger en tant que facteur géopolitique du Soft Power marocain en Afrique : réflexion interprétative
Small Island, Big Issue: Malta and its Search and Rescue Region - SAR
Diffusion of Research Result 'Research Projects on Immigration and Human Rights: CIMCETT PROJECT'
Bibliografía crítica
DÍEZ PERALTA, E., El matrimonio infantil y forzado en el Derecho Internacional. Un enfoque de género y derechos humanos, ed. Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia, 2019
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