Visual diversity in the English classroom: a successful exam paper adaptation. A case study



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Published: 06-11-2024



This article presents a case study on the successful adaptation of an English language exam paper to visually diverse learners in the classroom. The study delves into the challenges confronted by a partially blind student with substantial sight loss and no prior Braille training when attempting traditional written English language exams. The identified obstacles encompass difficulties in navigating continuous text with text-to-speech (TTS) software, the reliance on images, and the impact of time constraints. The research underscores the effectiveness of adaptations made to the exam format to address these challenges and enhance accessibility and inclusivity. The findings reveal favourable outcomes for the student’s performance and well-being during the adapted exam. The study stresses the significance of longitudinal studies to monitor the progress and language proficiency development of visually diverse learners over time. Such investigations would enable comparisons with non-disabled peers, shedding light on the impact of exam accommodations on learning outcomes.



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How to Cite

Martínez Hernández, A. I., & Bellés-Fortuño, B. (2024). Visual diversity in the English classroom: a successful exam paper adaptation. A case study. Pragmalingüística, (32), 311–328.


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