Paragraphs and information macrostructure in Twitter/X threads



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Monographic section: Discourse macrostructures of Spanish: description and teaching in SFL. Coordinator: Dr. Catalina Fuentes Rodríguez (University of Seville, Spain).
Published: 06-11-2024



This paper analyses the discursive mechanisms of organisation of information in advertising and corporate threads on the Twitter/X social network and whether they allow for the delimitation of discourse structural units of information, such as paragraphs. It also checks whether paragraphs, understood as a structural unit, can be adapted to the visual divisions of the threads in tweets/posts and if, in this way, their authors use them in a similar way to paragraphs in other written texts to configure the information macrostructure. The analysis is based on a discourse syntax that incorporates the paragraph as another unit and understands that there are relations between them that create the basic architecture of the text.



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How to Cite

Pérez Béjar, V. (2024). Paragraphs and information macrostructure in Twitter/X threads. Pragmalingüística, (32), 451–484.


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