Estrategias persuasivas en los eslóganes políticos. Estudio pragmalingüístico de los eslóganes de la democracia española



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Published: 01-12-2022



The political slogans that are involved in electoral campaigns are an object of interest to pragmatics due to their clearly persuasive purpose. This study contributes to the still scant knowledge of these linguistic formulas in the Spanish political context. From the perspective of the Critical Analysis Discourse a pragmalinguistic analysis of the formal (morphosyntactic) and content (persuasion strategies and semantic content) levels of the slogans used by political parties to attend the general elections of the democratic period in Spain (1977-2019) is proposed.

The results indicate that there is an evolution towards the more subtle forms of involvement of the receiver, that the parties of the centre-left ideological spectrum make greater use of the appeal to the receiver and that the appeal to gregariousness increases in the most recent years of democracy while the abstraction that had characterized the slogans in the time of bipartisanship decreases.



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How to Cite

Arrieta-Castillo, C. (2022). Estrategias persuasivas en los eslóganes políticos. Estudio pragmalingüístico de los eslóganes de la democracia española. Pragmalingüística, (30), 27–46.


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