Mitigación y estrategias atenuadoras en interpretación telefónica: estudio de caso sobre la combinación español-ruso
The effectiveness of linguistic interactions can be reduced by differences in cognitive schemas that are relevant for representatives of different cultures. In intercultural communication, the concept of image is an important aspect that governs the conversation and can affect its effectiveness in terms of the correct transmission and reception of messages and can even turn into face-threatening acts for the participants. This study analyzes the most frequent mitigation and attenuation strategies used by the Spanish operator and the Spanish-Russian interpreter in roadside assistance conversations with mediated telephone interpreting in the Spanish-Russian combination. The frequency of some strategies and their manifestation in the two languages involved are compared and, finally, a list of useful recommendations for operators, interpreters, and trainers working with this language combination is compiled.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bianca Vitalaru
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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