Pragmatic distance through unframed representations: private speech during infant symbolic play



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Published: 01-12-2023



Private speech refers to the audible utterances that children utter to themselves during play and other tasks. This paper explores the emergence of representations of others’ speech in children’s private speech during symbolic play. For this purpose, recordings were made on 18 participants between 2;10 and 3;09, which were subsequently transcribed and analysed. The results show a high mastery of interactional aspects, such as the turn-taking system and the transition between social and private speech. With respect to the representations, an absence of introductory indexical framing (e.g., “and she says”) is observed during the pretending activity intrinsic to symbolic play. This is explained by a pragmatic aim of distancing between the speaking subject and the representations and points towards a recognition of different perspectives and self-regulatory skills in language use.



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How to Cite

Navarro-Ciurana, D. (2023). Pragmatic distance through unframed representations: private speech during infant symbolic play. Pragmalingüística, (31), 363–386.


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