Pro-environmental sustainability behaviors of adolescents: Their relationship with self–regulation of learning.
The Self-Determination Theory studies autonomous motivation as a key variable to consolidate pro-environmental sustainability behaviors. In this conceptual framework, the objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between two variables: the pro-environmental sustainability behaviors of adolescents and the self-regulation of learning, which will allow endorsing the relevance of autonomous self-regulated learning in the social change required by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 12 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. In the research carried out in the city of Cuenca (Ecuador), 1056 adolescents (47% women and 53% men) from 18 educational institutions, aged between 14 and18 years old, participated. The scales of self-regulation of learning and pro-sustainability behaviors were applied. A quantitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional correlational design is assumed. The results reveal that the most common behaviors of adolescents in relation to the 3R rule are: recycling, reducing, and, less frequently, participating in pro-environmental sustainability actions. It is confirmed that the self-regulation of autonomous learning presents a positive correlation with behaviors related to the 3R rule.
Copyright (c) 2023 María Dolores Palacios Madero, ´Susana Torío López
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