Communication on Twitter of the 1st RFEF football clubs in Spain



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The object of this research is to study modest Spanish soccer and the communication management they carry out in the digital environment. More specifically, the aim of the work is to analyse how the clubs of the 1ºRFEF category of Spanish soccer communicate with their different audiences of interest through Twitter. To this end, the methodology of content analysis has been implemented to study, among other variables, the engagement they achieve, the formats they use and the type of content they publish in a sample of 33 teams out of the total of 40 that make up this category and which are the ones with an active profile on Twitter. The results show that these clubs, even though they have a good presence on this social network, can improve their communication on it, especially in terms of the type of content they publish. In conclusion, even implementing different strategies, in general, the clubs in the Spanish RFEF 1st category present healthy engagement rates, which implies an active and positive commitment on the part of their audience.



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Marin Dueñas, P. P., Gómez-Carmona, D., & Del Rio Bozolango , A. (2024). Communication on Twitter of the 1st RFEF football clubs in Spain. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(12). Retrieved from


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