It's over!

The rebellion of women's sports against institutionalized machismo



Article abstract page views:  341  



The article presents part of the results of the research entitled “Inequalities of highly competitive athletes in Spain and measures for effective equality” (Exp. 23CM0003), promoted by the Education and Sports Service of the Women's Institute of the Ministry of Equality and carried out by the University of Córdoba. The aim was to detect situations of gender inequality in the field of competitive and professional sports, both at a sporting and social level, and to make proposals for the implementation of effective gender equality measures in the Spanish sports system. Top female athletes in Spanish sport, heads of sports organizations, prestigious journalists and professionals with great expertise were interviewed. In total, 26 individual interviews were conducted, recording 1,260 minutes of voice recording. The results are very useful to improve knowledge of situations of gender inequality in professional and competitive women's sports, identifying the handicaps that they still experience and the formulas with which to change this situation in the present and future of national sports.



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How to Cite

Moscoso Sánchez, D., & Martín-Rodríguez, M. (2024). It’s over! : The rebellion of women’s sports against institutionalized machismo. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(12). Retrieved from


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