De Pippi a Prisca



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Sección 2: Textos
Published: 21-06-2021



In a contemporary framework the discourse of gender has gained power and momentum, thus we estimate a necessity to give place to reflect about the implications that the current educational policies have led to in the range of creating and promoting literature. Reiterating the value of the YCL as a tool for the personal development and the construction of the identity, and acknowledging that the social, cultural and political ideologies are well spread in the literary texts offering a specific perspective of the world, we suggest a quick glance at the current literature panorama, in terms of production and broadcasting. Confronting proposals yet confined in sexual, moral and artificial classifications with the aim of reverting gender stereotypes, certain authors sincerely write children’s literature without any purpose but to narrate from their own feelings. In this framework, we highlight the figure of Bianca Pitzorno, one of the greatest representatives of the current YCL in Italy, matchless for her ability to represent identities and for literally translating the problems of being a woman, a young girl or a child in the contemporary society.


Gender, identity, Children and youth’s literature, Bianca Pitzorno.


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How to Cite

Tomasi, S. (2021). De Pippi a Prisca. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(2). Retrieved from


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