Muṣṭalaḥā l-ḥubb wa-l-ˁišq wa-daraǧātu-humā fī l-maṣādir al-mašriqiyya wa-l-ˀandalusiyya [“The terms ḥubb (love) and ˁišq (passion) and their degrees in the Oriental and Andalusi sources”]



Published: 15-12-2017



“The terms ḥubb (love) and ˁišq (passion) and their degrees in the Oriental and Andalusi sources”. Both terms, according to most people, are synonyms used to express the passion of love felt towards women, in a sort of sacralization of women and submission to their power. No real differences between them are perceived. However, a perusal of many sources of Oriental and Andalusi literature allowed us to discern different degrees of love and different terms to convey this meaning. Thus, the current study exposes the terms for love and passion and their degrees in Eastern and Andalusi literary sources through the three most important works ever known dealing with these terms.



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How to Cite

AL-GHESEINI, . Z. bin B. (2017). Muṣṭalaḥā l-ḥubb wa-l-ˁišq wa-daraǧātu-humā fī l-maṣādir al-mašriqiyya wa-l-ˀandalusiyya [“The terms ḥubb (love) and ˁišq (passion) and their degrees in the Oriental and Andalusi sources”] . Al-Andalus Magreb, (24), 67–91. Retrieved from


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