Anmāṭ taˁaddud al-ḥadaṯ [“Typology of the multiplicity of verbal action”]



Published: 15-12-2017



In this article, we deal with the types of plurality of events, and we show that the differentiation of these types leads to different interpretations. To highlight this difference, we have based on a set of semantic characteristics, mainly cumulation, quantization, distribution, collection characteristics, and other elements. Based on these characteristics we dealt with the subject from two points, through the structure of the event in isolation from the structure and / or through all components of the structure.

We represent the first by morphological plurality and lexical plurality because they are expressed by complex verb and root-verb; this is called internal plurality, as opposed to external plurality, because it results from the correlation of the events with arguments with which they are composed, and we are represented it by the semantic plurality because it is interpreted from the sentence.



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How to Cite

ṢAĠĪR, . as-S. (2017). Anmāṭ taˁaddud al-ḥadaṯ [“Typology of the multiplicity of verbal action”] . Al-Andalus Magreb, (24), 187–198. Retrieved from


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