Las lógicas comunicativas de las ONG: el viaje de la transformación social hacia el fortalecimiento institucional / NGO Communicative Logics. The Shift from Social Transformation to Institutional Strengthening
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The text analyzes the communicative approaches and practices of Spanish NGOs today. Also the impact of the crisis and the expansion of neoliberal policies. We see the resurgence of welfare models and strategies in social action and communicative practice. An explanatory factor is the change in the funding model that has led efforts to raise funds and provoked the union of communication and fundraising. The logic of piety and emotional exaltation organize the messages of most entities against minority experiences seeking a critical and transformative social change. Their evaluation disconnects the impact on views or likes from change and social mobilization. All this can lead to a crisis of social repre - sentativeness and disagreement with other stakeholders such as social movements.
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