De-constructing participatory communication and civil society development in 2020: a perspective inspired by Paulo Freire / Deconstruyendo la comunicación participativa y el desarrollo de la sociedad civil en 2020: una perspectiva inspirada en Paulo Freire



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Artículos del monográfico
Publicado: 21-12-2020


  • Thomas Tufte (GB) Loughborough University London and Free State University (Reino Unido)
  • César Jiménez-Martínez (GB) Cardiff University (Reino Unido)
  • Ana Cristina Suzina (GB) Loughborough University London (Reino Unido)


Este artículo examina las “huellas intelectuales” de Paulo Freire en relación con procesos de cambio social en Brasil, prestando especial atención a cómo su pedagogía liberadora ha influido en prácticas de comunicación participativa y de desarrollo de la sociedad civil. Concretamente, los autores posicionamos la obra y visión de Paulo Freire dentro de una epistemología de la comunicación. Junto con ello, bosquejamos un breve pero riguroso examen de la historia y el desarrollo de procesos de participación ciudadana en Brasil entre 1950 y 2020, identificando fases clave de desarrollo democrático y la relación de éstas con el legado de Freire. Sugerimos que, en vez de representar la encarnación de políticas específicas o proyectos educacionales al amparo del Estado, Paulo Freire se ha transformado en símbolo e inspiración para una amplia gama de la sociedad civil brasileña, influyendo profundamente en procesos de cambio social en diversas formas y contextos.

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Cómo citar

Tufte, T., Jiménez-Martínez, C., & Suzina, A. C. (2020). De-constructing participatory communication and civil society development in 2020: a perspective inspired by Paulo Freire / Deconstruyendo la comunicación participativa y el desarrollo de la sociedad civil en 2020: una perspectiva inspirada en Paulo Freire. Commons. Revista De Comunicación Y Ciudadanía Digital, 9(2), 16–78.

Biografía del autor/a

Thomas Tufte, Loughborough University London and Free State University (Reino Unido)

Professor Thomas Tufte is Director of Institute for Media and Creative Industries at Loughborough University London, and Extraordinary Professor at University of The Free State, South Africa. He is member of Academia Europaea. Tufte has throughout his career worked extensively on the role of communication in articulating citizen engagement and social change, mainly as a researcher, but also as a consultant to international development agencies as UNICEF, World Bank, USAID and Danida, and as practitioner, having worked for NGOs like Danchurchaid, ADRA and Femina HIP, and in UNDP in Paraguay. He has worked, lectured and researched in over 30 countries across mainly Latin America, Africa and Europa. His most recent books include Voice and Matter – Communication, Development and the Cultural Return, co-edited with Oscar Hemer (Nordicom, 2016) Communication and Social Change – a Citizen Perspective (Polity Press, 2017), and Communicating for Change – Concepts to think with, co-edited with Jo Tacchi (Palgrave, 2020).

César Jiménez-Martínez, Cardiff University (Reino Unido)

César Jiménez-Martínez is lecturer in Global Media and Communications at Cardiff University. Originally from Chile, his research focuses on media and nationhood, mediated visibility, protest and violence, and nation branding in the context of Latin American societies. His work has been published in The International Journal of Press/Politics, International Communication Gazette, International Journal of Communication, Nations and Nationalism and Geopolitics. He is author of the book Media and the Image of the Nation during Brazil’s 2013 Protests (2020, Palgrave Macmillan), and co-editor of the reader Globalization and the Media (with Terhi Rantanen, Routledge, 2019). He holds a PhD in Media and Communications from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), a double MSc/MA in Global Communications from the LSE and the University of Southern California, and a BA in Journalism from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Ana Cristina Suzina, Loughborough University London (Reino Unido)

Dr Ana Cristina Suzina is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in the Institute for Media and Creative Industries at Loughborough University London. Her research deals with youth appropriation of media and generational factors over the development of views of development, political imagination and political voice. Her research interests include social change, power asymmetries, media appropriation, participation in democracy, civil society development, grassroots communication, particularly focused in Latin American societies. Dr. Suzina is a prolific researcher, editor and writer, and lecturer on communications in several countries. She has published and coordinated publications in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. For around 15 years, she worked as specialist in communication for social change with expertise in sustainability, social organizations, and corporate social responsibility. She has also volunteered with Brazilian and Latin American organizations to train communicators motivated to promote causes, by organizing seminars, producing manuals, and planning campaigns.


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