Escribir la historia: activismo en Wikipedia y el debate por la despenalización del aborto en Argentina / Writing History: Activism in Wikipedia and the Debate for Decriminalization of Abortion in Argentina
The paper analyzes processes of collaborative production in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, taking the case of the article Aborto en Argentina (Abortion in Argentina) of its Spanish edition. Debate generated during a bill treatment on Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in 2018, implied a strong mobilization of public opinion in a dispute between "pro-choice" and "pro-life" positions. All this within a techno-communication ecosystem where social software platforms coexist with mass media. Presentation is developed in four areas: 1. evolution of the article; 2. editions and editors profile; 3. discussions and controversies; 4. sources usage for content validation. The article is based on a quantitative-qualitative analysis of available data on the platform, fueling a reflection on digital methods.
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