"Messine n'existe plus! The censorship of the Calabria-Mesina earthquakes (1783-1784) in the official Spanish press in comparison with the correspondence of the marquis De la Sambuca and the European press



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Published: 15-10-2023


  • José Daniel Los beneficios que puede obtener la U. de Granada de esta estancia se exponen de forma vaga y puramente voluntarista: intercambios, relaciones, tal vez proyectos, estancias de otros investigadores. Sin más elementos objetivos o sin mayores concreciones de (ES) Universidad de Alicante https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2303-875X
  • Antonio Manuel Berná Ortigosa (ES) Universidad de Alicante https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6340-1379


The article offers a detailed analysis of the official Spanish press on the earthquakes in Messina and Calabria in 1783-1784, collated from a huge volume of news items from seven contemporary newspapers and epistolary documentation. The results suggest the hypothesis that the Secretary of State censored the most alarming data on the earthquake published by the European gazettes, in favour of a responsible image of the authorities’ management. This is especially true if we compare it with the reality recounted by the Marquis de la Sambuca in his letters to Floridablanca, the third party in this journalistic discord. He was aware of the more than 400 places ruined or almost ruined, of the open chasms or of the thousands of dead, as recorded in General Pignatelli’s report; as well as of the latter’s real mission in Calabria; of the constant aftershocks or of the epidemic outbreaks. They shed light on the processes of journalistic censorship.



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Los beneficios que puede obtener la U. de Granada de esta estancia se exponen de forma vaga y puramente voluntarista: intercambios, relaciones, tal vez proyectos, estancias de otros investigadores. Sin más elementos objetivos o sin mayores concreciones de, J. D., & Berná Ortigosa, A. M. (2023). "Messine n’existe plus! The censorship of the Calabria-Mesina earthquakes (1783-1784) in the official Spanish press in comparison with the correspondence of the marquis De la Sambuca and the European press. Cuadernos De Ilustración Y Romanticismo, (29), 25–63. https://doi.org/10.25267/Cuad_Ilus_romant.2023.i29.04


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