Banditry, gallows, and moral reform in late eighteenth century Spain: the case of Pedro Piñero «el Maragato»



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The article examines the literary and artistic production surrounding the capture and execution of the bandit Pedro Piñero, also known as the Maragato, in the late 18th century. While his crimes were not extraordinary, his fame in Extremadura and Castile attracted the attention of printers and artists when a Franciscan friar managed to apprehend him. The regulation of the publishing industry, the smear campaign driven by Enlightenment reformism against chapbooks, and an increasing fascination with the everyday and the circumstantial decisively influenced the production of texts and engravings aligned with the interests of the State. Despite censorship, thousands of copies of chapbooks and engravings on the case were produced and distributed, authored by figures associated with the Madrid publishing world. In this work, through the intersection of literary, archival, judicial, artistic, and judicial sources, we will study the composition, creation, dissemination, and reception of these materials regarding the arrest and hanging of this outlaw. In summary, the application of microhistorical analysis has allowed us to study the intermediality between text, image, and orality, the connections between «popular culture» and «learned culture» and the editorial circulation of popular print in the Age of Enlightenment.



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Llinares Planells, A. (2024). Banditry, gallows, and moral reform in late eighteenth century Spain: the case of Pedro Piñero «el Maragato». Cuadernos De Ilustración Y Romanticismo, (30), 13–43.


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