The powerful one like personage and as topic in the neoclassic Spanish tragedy
This paper addresses the construction of the character of the king, or any
agonist constructed on the type of the powerful one, in Spanish Neoclassical Tragedy. His characterization is analyzed, and his intervention in the arguments. There is studied the role and treatment of the topic of the monarchy, and the vision that is provided with the sovereign one in the pieces of the kind composed in Spain in the years of the Enlightenment. There is revealed that the king who is included in the texts of the kind is a positive model, and responds to the ideological dominant parameters in the eighteenth century, in the illustrated thought. It is an idealistic model, from which an idealized leader would arise. It is a model full of good intentions, which aims to defend an idyllic vision of society in which each member would know properly fulfill specific obligations that it would have entrusted. Through the works of playwrights convey to his audience a pattern of sovereign society fit for the moment. A sovereign, perfect, ideal, and idealized. A ruler who, if it can fulfill correctly his functions, may be able to encourage the creation of an idyllic society, in which all components play its role would know, would occupy a perfect place that the circumstances would have assigned him.
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