A case of variation of first-person singular subject forms in Spanish by sex/gender



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Published: 06-11-2024



This paper analyses, according to the principles of morphosyntactic variation, the differences between expression (yo) and omission (ø) of first-person singular subject and its covariation with sex/gender. For this purpose, a corpus of written texts made by secondary school students was used. The results show that the meaning of each variant, determined by the analytical properties of cognitive salience and textual informativeness, contributes to the creation of different communicative styles according to sex/gender. In particular, although omission is the preferred variant, male tend to conceptualise their discourse through expression, which leads to the creation of a style closer to subjectivity.



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How to Cite

Rodríguez García, Óscar J. (2024). A case of variation of first-person singular subject forms in Spanish by sex/gender. Pragmalingüística, (32), 329–354. https://doi.org/10.25267/Pragmalinguistica.2024.i32.13


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