Evidential meanings of o eso dicen



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Published: 01-12-2019



In this paper, we analyze the evidential values transmitted by the Spanish construction o eso dicen (‘or so they say’). We examine the different discursive and syntactic patterns in which this construction appears, as well as its use as a mark of indirect evidentiality. The analysis is carried out in the Corpus de Español (Web/Dialects section) and focuses on the European variety of Spanish. We conclude that o eso dicen transmits different values of evidentiality, such as report, rumor and folklore and this depends on factors related to the fixation of the construction, the type of the source of information to which it refers and the nature of its scope. Also, we confirm that that this construction often shows the speaker’s distancing or disagreement with the reported information, although this function is not as prominent when it is used as a folklore marker.



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proyecto Es.Vag.Atenuación “La atenuación pragmática en su variación genérica, géneros discursivos escritos y orales en el español de España y América” FFI2016-75249-P.

How to Cite

Kotwica, D. (2019). Evidential meanings of o eso dicen. Pragmalingüística, (27), 71–89. https://doi.org/10.25267/Pragmalinguistica.2019.i27.04


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