Dyslexia in the context of second language learning and teaching
The paper elucidates the complex nature of dyslexia, specifying the multiple levels of explanation of this phenomenon and indicating the causal relations between them. It defines dyslexia, sketches the way it surfaces across languages, identifies the overlaps between the native and second/foreign language learning, and outlines the potential difficulties that dyslexic learners may encounter in second language study. Finally, research referring to foreign language teachers’ preparedness to include dyslexic learners in mainstream classes is discussed. An account of teachers’ preparedness components, including background knowledge on dyslexia, self-efficacy beliefs about implementing inclusive instructional practices, and attitudes towards inclusion, which can be subject to change as a result of professional training. The paper stresses a pressing needs for the provision of appropriate and sufficient initial teacher training and continuing professional development opportunities for foreign language teachers in order to prepare them to appropriately recognize and respond to dyslexic second language learners’ needs.
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