Supportive moves and focalization: a contrastive study in Spanish and German



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Published: 01-12-2021



In this paper, I present a first approach to supportive moves from the perspective of information structure and the Spanish-German contrast. In order to do so, I draw on a corpus of comparable, colloquial conversations extracted from the live broadcasting of Big Brother in both countries. In the analysis I focus on the differences and similarities regarding, on the one hand, the position, co-occurrence and connection of these moves and, on the other, the type of introducers and focal strategies used in each language. The results show that there was a preference in both cases for the final position, the concatenation of moves around a single head act and the adoption of the same focal strategies. Finally, whereas the Spanish and German introducers are equivalent, each language stablishes different connections with the respective head acts.



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How to Cite

Bertomeu Pi, P. (2021). Supportive moves and focalization: a contrastive study in Spanish and German. Pragmalingüística, (29), 44–59.


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