The linguistic polemic as a discursive typology in the 19th century Spanish press. The controversial discourse of Fernando Gómez de Salazar
The linguistic controversy is a discursive typology that has received relatively little serious analysis in linguistic studies, despite the fact that it reached a wide development in the pages of the Spanish press throughout the 19th century, which became a preferred space of public opinion where intellectuals, teachers and linguists discuss their ideas about the language and teaching. The specific objectives of this work consist of a) highlighting the importance of the 19th century Spanish press in the development of these debates on the language; b) analyzing linguistic controversy as a discursive typology, establishing its structure, conception and significance in the exchange and development of linguistic ideas at the time, and c) studying Fernando Gómez de Salazar as a tireless polemicist, a person whom we intend to put in value from the analysis of some of his most prominent controversies in the press.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Victoriano Gaviño Rodríguez
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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