BIJOULEX project: a multimodal and multilingual lexicographic tool for translation and the jewellery and goldsmithing sector



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Published: 01-12-2023



With the increasing internationalisation of the Andalusian jewellery and goldsmithing industry, it has become necessary to develop a multilingual and multimodal linguistic resource to standardise terminology within this specialised field, thereby providing users with appropriate linguistic equivalents, coupled with multimodal resources that facilitate their understanding. This scenario gives rise to the idea of "BIJOULEX", an interdisciplinary research project with the following goals: the promotion, encouragement, and visibility of the Andalusian jewellery and goldsmithing sector on an international scale; the systematization of the jewellery and goldsmithing lexicon in a multilingual setting, and the creation of a multilingual, multimodal, and multidisciplinary tool that meets the needs of specific groups who may require its use, including translators and interpreters specialised in this field.



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How to Cite

Álvarez Jurado, M., & Policastro Ponce , G. (2023). BIJOULEX project: a multimodal and multilingual lexicographic tool for translation and the jewellery and goldsmithing sector. Pragmalingüística, (31), 11–34.


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